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✅¿Cuál es el valor intrínseco de Bitcoin?-¿Por qué es valioso Bitcoin?

Muy buena explicación del valor intrínseco de Bitcoin.

Happy hacking!!!


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What is P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH - ELI5

What is P2PK, P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH - ELI5 This is from this entry from StackExchange, I just copy it for backup. P2PKH: "Pay To Public Key Hash" This is how transactions are made. You are requiring the sender to supply a valid signature (from the private key) and public key. The transaction output script will use the signature and public key and through some cryptographic functions will check if it matches with the public key hash, if it does, then the funds will be spendable. This method conceals your public key in the form of a hash for extra security. P2PK: "Pay To Public Key" This is similar to P2PKH; the difference is that it does not conceal your public key. Anyone using this method to send funds over the P2P network is showing people their public key in the transaction details. P2SH: "Pay To Script Hash" The outputs of a transaction are just scripts that, if are executed with specific parameters, will result in a boolean of true or f

Préstamos Bullet y Full Bullet

En Estateguru hay préstamos que se indican como bullet y otros como full bullet , al buscar con google cuesta encontrar una definición que incluya el segundo tipo. La única que he encontrado es la de Estateguru (que no está bien enlazada por el buscador de Google). Bullet repayment schedule means that loan interest is being paid periodically and principal amount is being paid at the end of the loan period. Full bullet schedule indicated that both interest and principal are being paid at the end of the loan period. Por tanto bullet paga el principal al final e intereses durante el préstamo, mientras que full bullet lo paga todo al final, tanto el principal como los intereses. Recuerda compartir esta entrada con tus amigos, porque el conocimiento es la mejor inversión que se puede hacer.